1-4 APRIL 2025

Pobediteley Ave., 20/2, 
Minsk, Belarus


The 30th international specialized exhibition for production of building materials, labour mechanization in construction


will be organized from the 23th till the 25th April 2025

Organizer: JSC "Minskexpo"

Support and assistance:  Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus

Venue: Minsk, Belarus

"BUDPRAGRES" is the largest and the most prestigious construction exhibition in Belarus. It is highly ranked and widely known by local and foreign exhibitors.  Recently, "BUDPRAGRES" has received an award from the Union of Exhibitions and Fairs.

For 29 years of its existence the exhibition has become a multipurpose international forum where you can find everything required for commercial and residential construction. The event displays all the latest achievements and innovations in this sphere. 

Exhibition profile:

- construction materials and products;
- construction technologies;
- public and residential construction;
- sanitary engineering and equipment;
- indoor and outdoor design;
- landscaping;
- road and construction machinery;
- heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems;
- gas, water and heat supply;
- lighting equipment;
- energy and recourse efficient technologies;
- automated control systems;
- industrial waste recycling;
- work wear

All the necessary information for registration can be sent to your address if contact us by:
phone: +375-17-373-98-58, 367-90-83
fax: +375-17-396-98-58
e-mail: e_fedorova@minskexpo.com

Project Manager: Elena FEDOROVA