1-4 APRIL 2025

Pobediteley Ave., 20/2, 
Minsk, Belarus


Timiryazev str., 65, 220035, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

tel./fax +375-17-396 98 58;
Tel. +375 17 367-90-83,
fax +375 17 396-98-58
E-mail: me@minskexpo.com



Alexandr Makavchik
Exhibition Director
tel. +375-17 390-91-35
fax +375-17 390-91-92
E-mail: maa@minskexpo.com

Elena Fedorova
Deputy Director General, International Relations
tel./fax +375-17-396 98 58;
e-mail: e_fedorova@minskexpo.com

Darya Ivanova
Senior Specialist of International Relations,
JSC "Minskexpo"
tel/fax: +375 17 367 90 83
e-mail: event@minskexpo.com

Tatiana Lukashova
Manager of International Relations,
JSC "Minskexpo"
Tel.  fax +375 17 396-98-58
e-mail: tanya@minskexpo.com