1-4 APRIL 2025

Pobediteley Ave., 20/2, 
Minsk, Belarus




Dear contractors and exhibitors that construct stands independently or with the involvement of outside organizations!

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that for the admission to fulfill any kind of works concerning the construction of exhibition stands at the events organized by CJSC «MinskExpo» (hereinafter referred to as "Organiser"), you need to conclude an agreement and register (check the availability of all authorized documents to implement the works on the stand being built by you) and receive permission to carry out works on the stand being built from Organizer.

All documents are to be submitted no later than 10 days before the start of the mounting works of the exhibition.

In case of absence of the agreement of registration, any works on the exhibition site are FORBIDDEN!

The cost of registration in the hall is 16.08 Euros per sq.m.(VAT is not included) of built-up area.

If the Contractor uses standard exhibition equipment (octanorm, maxima, consta, etc) the cost of registration in the hall is 25 Euros per sq.m. (VAT is not included)

The cost of registration on the open area is 15 Euros per sq.m.(VAT is not included) of built-up area.

The payment is to be made on the basis of the concluded agreement and issued  invoice to the account of the Organizer.  If the payment is made in BYN the exchanged rate is the one at the day of payment according to the National Bank of Republic of Belarus.

List of required documents:

 1. Letter on the exhibiting company letterhead for the construction of the stand, certified by the head of the organization (Form No. 1).

2. A letter of guarantee from the Contractor company (Form No. 2).

3. A layout of stand design (3D image, front view, top view) indicating the overall dimensions of the stand.

4. Detailed project with the location of the electrical board, the points of connection of electrical equipment, lighting, and the layout of plumbing connections.

5. List of personnel involved in mounting works, including managers.

6. List of the equipment imported in the territory of the exposition pavilion.

7. Orders on the appointment of the people responsible for mounting works and the electrification of the stand, indicating contact phone numbers.

8. An extract from the journal proving that the personnel involved in mounting and electrical works is instructed on the safety rules.

9. An extract from the journal proving that the specialists have the right to conduct electrical work.

10. A copy of the technical report proving that the electrophysical tests of electrical equipment used in during the mounting works were conducted.

11. A copy of fire certificates for materials used in the construction of the stand.

For any additional information, please, contact us by phone

+37517 390 91 35

+37529 684 90 83


 Or by e-mail: e_fedorova@minskexpo.com