1-4 APRIL 2025

Pobediteley Ave., 20/2, 
Minsk, Belarus

National Policy Workshop «Agri-Food policy in Belarus. Role of innovation in promoting the agri-food research». SUAFRI-EPC Brokerage Event in Belarus.

National Policy Workshop

«Agri-Food policy in Belarus. Role of innovation in promoting the agri-food research».

SUAFRI-EPC Brokerage Event in Belarus. Date: June 09, 2016

Venue: BELAGRO 2016 Exhibition pavilion Football Arena, Pobediteley Avenue, 20/2, Minsk


Goals of the event:

  • To overview and discuss the current state and development trends of the national agri-food policy and lessons learnt in Belarus and EU, as well as the role of innovation in promoting the agri-food research;
  • To facilitate the matchmaking of research organizations and businesses with the aim of upscaling and commercializing research results and innovative products;
  • To make the local innovation players aware of selected local and EU financial instruments to support their innovation activities.


  • Policy makers representing the state authorities in charge of the agri-food policy and innovation;
  • Representatives of the local research and business community, agri-food and innovation service providers, SMEs, NGOs;
  • Intermediaries, e.g. chambers of commerce and Industry, Enterprise Europe Network, technology transfer and commercialization centers and similar organizations from Belarus, EU and Eastern Partnership countries, as well as related EU-funded projects
    • Partners in the SUAFRI-EPC project «Supporting the uptake of agri-food research results into innovation with EPC countries» from the Eastern Partnership countries and EU.

Language: Russian and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided on Russian/English.


Organizers: Partners in the SUAFRI-EPC project in Belarus – Belarusian Innovative Fund and Scientific and Practical Center for foodstuffs of the National Academy of science of Belarus.

Participation is free-of-charge. Preliminary registration is obligatory. In order to take part in the brokerage, please, send the filled in partner profile to the address: belinfund@mail.ru by 30 May 2016.

Contact persons:
Belarusian Innovative Fund - Ms. Ala Minko, Ms. Tanya Shcherbakova, tel. +375 17 2931781, belinfund@mail.ru.