1-4 APRIL 2025

Pobediteley Ave., 20/2, 
Minsk, Belarus



-    organizes and holds International Specialized and Foreign Exhibitions as well as other exhibition events under the support of the respective Ministries of the Republic of Belarus.
The participant of the Exhibition who has signed the Application-Contract for participation in the Exhibition,  hereinafter referred to as Exhibitor, is obliged to keep to the General Terms of participation, stated below.
Receipt by the Organizer of the Exhibition of the Application-Contract for participation in the Exhibition signed by the authorized representative of the Exhibitor, including receipt of the application contract sent by the identified fax (fax allowing authentically to establish that the indicated Application-Contract proceeds from the Exhibitor) means that the organizer of the Exhibition and the Exhibitor have concluded the agreement on participation in the Exhibition and in accordance with it the Exhibitor agrees to take part in the Exhibition and pay in full the participation on the basis and terms specified in the above mentioned Application-Contract. Upon the receipt of the Application-Contract by the Organizer of the Exhibition the mentioned Application-Contract cannot be revoked unilaterally by the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor also recognizes that the organizer of the Exhibition shall bear expenses related to fulfillment of the obligations under the present Application-Contract and consequently will not require any refund of the sum paid to the Organizer under the present Application-Contract (with the exception of cancellation of the Exhibition).The Exhibitor also shall reimburse the Organizer of the Exhibition the losses connected with the fulfillment of the mentioned Application if any.
The Exhibitor has no right to exhibit until the complete payment for the participation in the Exhibition in accordance with the Application-Contract is done. The Exhibitor is obliged to ensure at own expense all author’s rights and claims of creditors for  using objects of the intellectual property through participation in the Exhibition (information in the catalogue, advertising campaign at the exhibition, publication of theses to conference and etc.).
The payment maid by the Exhibitor in accordance with the Application-Contract in case of cancellation of the participation is not refunded.
The organizer of the Exhibition bears no responsibility for property and stock of the Exhibitor, who has not removed in due time its exhibits from the venue site.
The Exhibitor bears a responsibility for the contents and reliability of the information and advertising materials supplied to the Organizer of the Exhibition, the information and advertising materials shall meet the statutory requirements «About Advertising» of the Republic of Belarus.
Obligations of the Organizer of the Exhibition concerning the organization and holding of the Exhibition (in case of absence of the written claims of the Exhibitor) are considered to be completely and properly fulfilled the last day of dismantling the Exhibition.

The following documents are necessary for registration:
1. Application-Contract for participation in two copies;
2. completed form ‘Price List for Additional Services’, Enclosure 2;
3. stand lay-out with the detailed description and location of the ordered equipment, incl. the schematic lay-out of power, air and water supply connections;
3. information about the company for publication in the official exhibition catalogue;
4. list of company representatives for exhibition passes.
The Application-Contract, Price List for Additional Services, Enclosure 2, stand layout, information about the company for publication in the official exhibition catalogue should be submitted not later than 40 days before official exhibition opening.
The Application-Contract should be duly signed and sealed by the Exhibitor.
The Application-Contracts submitted after the dead-line will be accepted only if the free exhibition space is available, the information for publication in the exhibition catalogue will not be accepted.
The information for the exhibition catalogue will not be published, if the Exhibitor has provided the information later than 20 days before exhibition opening. In this only the address of the Exhibitor will be published in the exhibition catalogue.

- registration fee (general organization expenses, security of the exhibition venue, advertising expenses, information materials, 3 exhibitor’s badges , one invitation for business-cocktail, 15 exhibition passes, one exhibition catalogue );
- rent of the exhibition area for the whole exhibition period, including general light, heating and  security of the exhibition pavilion, cleaning of the passes between the stands, garbage removal);
- cost of the stand (assembling, rent and disassembling of the stand structures);
- publication of the information about the company in the official exhibition catalogue (information text up to 1000 characters);
- cost of additional services and equipment at the stand.


Payment against an invoice is made to the account of the Organizer, dead-line of the payment is stated in the invoice.
A prepayment of 30% for the reserved exhibition area should be maid when the exhibition area is reserved by the Exhibitor and the application is signed.
In case a prepayment of 30% of the reserved exhibition area is not done 25 days before exhibition opening the rent of the exhibition space ordered is not guaranteed.
For the delay of the payment the Exhibitor shall pay the fine to the Organizer at the rate of 0.5% of the payable sum for each day of delay. The payment of the fine does not release the Exhibitor from the obligations accepted.
The Organizer can guarantee the Exhibitor the exhibition space ordered according to the Application-Contract only if the prepayment of 30% of the cost of the exhibition space is done
In case of the payment delay the Exhibitor shall pay the Organizer a fine in amount of 0,5% of the cost of the payment for every day of delinquency.
Depending on the stand location the cost of non-equipped exhibition area is increased:

- for corner location (two-side opened).................................................. 15%

- for head stand location (three-side opened)....................................... 20%

- for island stand location (four-side opened)....................................... 25%

- for stand location on the central line ..................................................  15%

The payment shall be made by non-residents in foreign currency and by residents in Belarusian rubbles. In case the Exhibitor displays the produce and goods of foreign origin, the cost of participation is determined by the rates for foreign Exhibitors.
The exhibition area not occupied by the Exhibitor 24 hours before the exhibition opening shall be considered free and the Organizer is entitled to dispose it at its discretion. In this case the amount paid for the participation in the exhibition shall not be refunded to the Exhibitor.
In case of denial of the declared exhibition space 25 days before the Exhibition opening a forfeit of 50% of the cost of the unclaimed exhibition area in favour of the Organizer will be imposed. In case of denial after the mentioned deadline the forfeit of 100% will be imposed.
If the Exhibitor cancels its participation in the fair the registration fee shall not be reimbursed.

The minimum size of the indoor exhibition area ordered - 9 sq.m.
Equipped stand (incl. standard equipment): rent of the non-equipped exhibition area, mounting works, assembled wall panels, floor covering, fascia, inscription on the fascia (up to 18 characters), 1 table, 4 chairs, 1 cloth rack, 1 electric outlet 220V up to 2,5 kW, 1 luminaire per 3 sq.m, 1 waste basket.
The minimum size of the exhibition area ordered on the standard line - 12 sq.m.
When ordering a stand construction, please, enclose the layout of the stand with the detailed description and location of the ordered equipment, incl. the schematic lay-out of power, air and water supply connections.
Indicate a sign pattern on the fascia in colour and font suggestion or logos of the firm. Otherwise the sign will be made in a standard advertising font.
If the stand is assembled by the exhibitor the cost of 1 sq.m. of non-equipped exhibition area is increased up to 40%. The Exhibitor shall provide the Organiser additionally with the detailed technical documentation (design of the stand and temporary constructions, power installations, sanitary engineering installations and telefax connections) in two copies for co-ordination two months before mounting works. Any corrections to the agreed documentation are forbidden without written agreement of the Organizer. For mounting and decorative works at the stand the Exhibitor shall use fireproof and non-flammable materials or materials finished with flame retardants.
If the construction elements of the stand exceed the standard height of 2,5m the Exhibitor shall submit the stand lay-out for the Organizer’s approval in order to avoid any derangement of the general lay out and interference with work on the adjoining stands. 
* Orders for modifying the stand layout or additional equipment submitted two days prior the exhibition opening or during the exhibition are accepted for double price and only if additional equipment is available.


The Exhibitor must observe the fire-preventing and safety rules affective on the venue site and is responsible for their violation.
Smoking is aloud in the smoking areas only. It is forbidden to use open flame, to block up the passages between the stands with the equipment and empty packaging on the territory of the exhibition venue.
It is forbidden to set out exhibits that are fire-risk or highly inflammable.
The Exhibitor shall execute fireproofing of all the flammable materials and provide the Organizer with the corresponding fire safety certificates.
For non-standard stands (equipped as per custom design) - during assembling works and during the exhibition the Exhibitor shall have a layout of the stand, the certificate which confirms that materials (including floor covering, wood, podium and others) used in construction have undergone fireproofing and are not flammable or fire-risk; the contract concluded with the firms who have processed fireproofing. Fire extinguishers are obligatory at every stand with highly flammable exhibits.


The Exhibitor shall take risks and the responsibility:
- for storing, demonstration of exhibits, for safety and damage of the stand equipment rented;
- civil responsibility for the harm caused to health and property of the visitors or other persons.
The Exhibitor may insure its property against all risks and, if necessary, effect other kinds of insurance.
The Organizer shall provide the general security of the venue site.
The Organizer shall not be responsible for the loss or damage of the exhibits and other property of the Exhibitor during the working hours of the exhibition (from 9.00 a.m - till 6.00 p.m) and during the mounting and dismantling period.
Exhibitors shall submit data for issuing passes of participants (Exhibition Pass) for entering the exhibition area including First Name, Surname and Company's Name not later than 10 days before the exhibition opening.


In case of delivery of large-dimension equipment and single heavy items to the exhibition venue it is obligatory to co-ordination the terms of the delivery with the official exhibition forwarder.
Transportation-forwarding services are accomplished by official forwarders of Minskexpo, JSC:

in Minsk, Belarus:

"Vystavochnij Expeditor" UE:

Office 1311, 65B, Timiryazev Str., 220035 Minsk, Republic of Belarus,

tel/fax: +375 17-254 75 93,  254 75 94, info@ekspeditor.com


Working Hours of the Exhibition for Visitors: from 10.00 till 18.00, the last day of the Exhibition till 15.00.
The period of mounting and dismantling are determined by the Organizer.
* During the first working day of the exhibition the Exhibitor has to check the mutual reconciliation with the Organizer and make additional payments if necessary.
- For exhibiting products of more than one company at a stand, the extra payment at the rate of 50% of the registration fee for each extra exhibitor shall be made.
- For loss or damage of the equipment or inventory of the Organizer the Exhibitor will be charged three times the amount of the market value of the damaged equipment.
- Please note that a third party procedure for fulfilment of construction works, design and transportation-forwarding services is only allowed with the Organizer's written consent. The Organizer is entitled to forbid exhibiting the items which do not correspond to the exhibition profile.
-  No advertising or information materials beyond Exhibitor’s stand area are allowed as well as shooting or filming the exhibits and stands without a permission of the Organizer.
- In case of public performance of any works of art or literature during the exhibition the Exhibitor acts as a payer of the intellectual property rights, regardless if the works or compositions are demonstrated by the performer or by any technical means.
- In exceptional cases after the application confirmation the Organizer reserves the right to alter the location and size of the area to be allocated to the Exhibitor.
- The Collective Organizer shall bear the full responsibility for the observance of the General Conditions of Participation by all participants of the collective exhibition.
- Transfer of the sold exhibits from the stands is not allowed until the end of the exhibition.
- Trade and other commercial activity during the exhibition is accomplished according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the Exhibitor responds independently.
- In case of impossibility to solve emerged disputes and disagreements by negotiations between the sides, they are a subject to resolution as prescribed by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus in International Arbitrage at the Belorussian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- The present Terms of Participations, Application-Contract and Invoice for payment are also valid when sent by fax.

- Special illumination on the fascia should light up the fascia only. Flashing light is not allowed. The Organizer reserves the right to disconnect the illumination if it hampers other Exhibitors’ work.
- It is forbidden to fix elements of equipment and exhibits to the floor, tables and other stand components without the Organizer’s written consent.
- The Organizer reserves the right to move out at the expense of the Exhibitor anything that might impede the work of the exhibition.
- Equipment and exhibits of the Exhibitors shall be placed within the allocated exhibition stand and shall not block up the passages between the stands.
- It is categorically forbidden to clear faults occurred in the installed electric equipment on the stand by one’s own, also to connect electric appliances to the standard electrical sources of the exhibition pavilion.
- Audio, video, projector, amplifiers or live music cannot be used without the Organizer’s permission and should not disturb other exhibitors.


Minskexpo, JSC                                                                   Tel.: +375-17-2269858, 2269083, 2269940

Timiryazev Str., 65                                                              Fax: +375-17-2269858

220035 Minsk, Belarus                                                        e-mail: darya@minskexpo.com
