1-4 APRIL 2025

Pobediteley Ave., 20/2, 
Minsk, Belarus


Reservation in the Hotels EXPOSAN 

We are ready to render the following services:
-reservation in the best Hotels of Minsk("Crowne Plaza", "Minsk", "PLaneta", "Orbita", "Yubileinaya" ;
- transfer services (transfer Airport/Railway station- Hotel - Airport/Railway station, Hotel - Fair grounds - Hotel);
- publication of advertisement in the official catalogues of the exhibitions including electronics bearers, 
- efficient polygraphic services;
- copying documents;
- replication of the compact discs;
- facsimile;
- registration of your participation in the international exhibitions, organized by JSC "MinskExpo" and also in the virtual exhibitions;
- organization of seminars, presentations, business cocktails, coffee-breaks;
- assistance at the stands (hostess, translator, cleaners, etc.);
- peddling and trade per samples;
- renting of utensils, household equipment, etc. 

We are also glad to organize excursion services around Minsk and Belarus, to order dinner or supper in the restaurants of Minsk.

For provided services we accept any form of payment: cashless settlement, payment in cash, credit cards VISA, VISA Elektron, MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic, Maestro.

Our Address:
220035, Minsk, Timiryazev Str 67, 510
+375 17 395-66-75