1-4 APRIL 2025

Pobediteley Ave., 20/2, 
Minsk, Belarus

Business program

Dear ladies and gentlemen!
The program of international specialized exhibitions "Medicine and Health", "Rehabilitation medicine. Orthopedics”, “Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology”, “Medical tourism” in 2023 will be full of business events for different categories of specialists. The exhibition exposition will be filled with novelties for professionals, as well as latest information and unique technologies during three days of meetings, discussions, dialogues, trainings, communication and decisions.
We will publish the schedule of conferences, seminars, master classes, presentations and demonstrations on our website as they are confirmed.
As part of the exhibition program of 2023, the following events are planned:
"Medical and health tourism"
International workshop on medical tourism
"Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology"
• Open cosmetology conference "New trends in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine" for beginners and practitioners, which will bring together all who wants to master theoretical and practical innovations in this segment;
• face massage techniques master classes (organizer: ASV Trade CJSC);
• various body massage techniques master classes (organizer: Kinesio Massage Academy);
• other specialized events that will give a lot of new knowledge to everyone who is aimed to become a qualified specialist.
«Rehabilitation medicine"
• Republican seminar “Autumn practical school of pulmonologist: patient with chronic respiratory pathology in outpatient practice”. Organizer: Belarusian Respiratory Society;
•   Seminar "Actual issues of rehabilitation medicine"
• Conference “How (not) to grow old being a Belarusian”. Organizer: Belarusian Republican Gerontological Society, Science and Innovations magazine;
• A series of seminars on the use of modern balneological equipment and rehabilitation facilities. Organizers: exhibitors;
• A series of other events.